the blog that is full of shit....seriously!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Love Love Love......

you have to imagine that i'm singing to the beatles songs when you read the title....Thats right, lately i was wondering what love is, not because it's february and it was St Valentines day, thats just shit- there was no St Valentine that wishes all boyfriends buy flowers, sexy lingerie and chocolates, there was a St Valentine once, but i dont know what he did and he got connected to this awful day, unlucky fellow.....I was wondering about love 'cause i was reading a blog that talks about love, also i got a forward email talking about it.....Also, i had excessive amounts of chocolate... and oh!yeah, also Franz Ferdinand, smokes too much and had too much coffee....also the lack of exams can do this to you.... So what is love???? Love, my wonderful readers is.... ................ ......hell i dont know!!!Of course i dont, those things just bring problems to me and i will try to avoid them like the vampires avoid problems worth it???At least you have the experience after.... But in any event, if love actually knocks on my door tomorrow, i will give it a chance and some change to take a taxi back to where it belongs.... Due to the circumstances, i am not going to elaborate on it any further... What did you actually thought i would tell you??? Well, i can tell you one simple thing, love is when someone tells you name and the way they say it is different..... i think this phrase pretty much describes the whole of it...... If you know what love is, comment, compare and contrast. Oh and i almost forgot, Eurovision 2008 greek song selected, dont, i repeat, DO NOT check it out... Love Always x PS. This Post does not talk about love between parents and children and also, dont start telling what you love, say what love IS

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

People who know.....

I guess that people who know that they know are stupid, people who know that they dont know are quite smarter, although it would be better if they knew that they know at least something. I decided to write this because it's an honest truth. In fact, if you know that you know, dont you in some way lose the will to know?If you know that you dont know, you always want to know more. I dont know in which category i would be....i suppose in the second 'cause although i know that i know, i forget that i know so i continue to know new things.... And also i get to know things that i would like not to know, so those these i try to forget but somehow i cant. Today i got to know that the permanent places you can get in the public sector decrease productivity-for the obvious reasons that we all know- and i suppose thats why the public sector in greece it's such a mess. Also, you should know that the name of my blog comes from 2 wonderful people, Dylan Moran, and Douglas Adams, who are just brilliant.I felt like i should write this 'cause i dont know if everybody knows it and it'd be better if they knew it.There i said it, now you know.Also know that The first is a comedian and the second a writer, who i think they know that they dont know...Also as you can see i've added some music to this blog,you know it's a crappy playlist, but it's my first attempt you know....yeah....
Now back to work, cant write the word know anymore, you know it!!!
Comments?Remarks?You know what you have to do!