Every year around this time of the year i feel really intrigued about Europe, it's citizens and it's music. The main reason being that around this time of the year, the Eurovision takes place and although i dont normally like the kind of music, i always watch and get passioned about it. I like it. Most importantly, i like it and i'm not afraid to say it.The same way i like Bridget Jones, she's a hero and one of my idols. I like the above mentioned for different reasons. Bridget Jones will be explained at a later post. Eurovision now i like it because it tells you a lot about people and cultures.Main point being that everybody wants to be the same. For instance, the 2 songs that won 1st and 2nd place, their choreographer was the same man, from greece! Another obvious thing is that Russia is still a leading subtle power. Do you honestly think that that guy won because he had an skater on the stage, in fact one of the best in the world, and a stradivarious violin?Not to mention the singer.....God, i really dont like him. Russia won because of it's power.I bet Putin is really happy now.And why wouldn't he be??I mean, i would dare to sing for greece if i got to go to Russia!! It's not because Greece lost, we didn't have anything that special to win, it's because Finland, Spain and France lost.Those 3 divine songs that dared to make a difference. Finnish people, that tall that they face different weather conditions, with beautiful blond hair that every girl tries all her life to have. Spanish entry was simply magnificent and the french one was deliriously french in english! My personal favorite was the Turkish one, thus the video. I think it's the first step towards Europe.In fact i think every country who wants to be a member state of the EU, should first win the eurovision.Who said Greek-Turkish Friendship doesn't exist??He lied! You dont like this post?Be Brave and tell me, in the comments section, log in and tell me "i didnt like this post" then write whatever you want!
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14 years ago