Smoky Christmas everybody!!The past few days i found myself wondering over a very weird and at the same time important question : industrial or rollies? It's one of the mysteries in life really, when you smoke rollies you want industrial and vice versa..... Rollies are healthier and cheaper also handmade so you make them just the way you like them.... Industrial cigarettes are more expensive but imagine when you are drunk and cant be bothered to roll, thats when you need ready made cigarettes. I heard a story about a guy once who found cheap cheap cigarettes and smoked all night, for the simple reason "it's so cheap, i'm gonna smoke as much as i can!!"(i think he's in band called The Fewer The Better, check it out) I love this guy simply because he is a representative of the smokers nation. Smokers are not bad people and i dont understand the conspiracy of governments treating them like shit. Smoking is not a bad action, they say it effects your health, but so does the polluted environment in big cities, nobody asked you if you want to breath polluted air, but you do 'cause you dont have a choice.Smoking is at least your choice. Why ban it in bars and nightclubs?How did they came up with that? Can anyone enjoy a beer without a cigarette?Can anyone enjoy their food if they dont smoke after???It's insane!!!And apart from the banning now they increased the price of cigarettes so they can put you into a dilemma, industrial cigarettes or rolled one, or a trilemma industrial, rolled or none?????I love to smoke, why do they want to take that away from me?Ask the french, can they enjoy their coffee without a cigarette???I dont think so... and what is their president doing?Vacations with new girlfriend, that is right, he avoids the real problems of his people, does he care french can not enjoy their coffee???? NO!!And it all came from the US, that country has only the best ideas in the world.So people, for this christmas smoke as much as you can because A BAN IN SMOKING IS THE GOVERNMENT TELLING US WHERE TO BREATH!!It's racism against the smokers.Non smokers have rights, but so do smokers. i want to smoke now and i dont have cigarettes, bollocks.
About Unemployment
14 years ago
tha kanw to sholio m
les oti to kapnisma dn einai kati kako
kaneis dn eipe oti einai kako alla poia i efthini twn kapnistwn apenadi stus mi kapnistes?
kseris ti wraia itan sto londino opou kaneis dn kapnize se eswterikous hwrous?k borouses na anapnefseis elefthera,de se kaigane me ta tsigara tous k de mazevodan gopes sto patwma k de vrwmages sto telos..pistevw oti tha arese k stous kapnistes kati tetoio..den katadikazw tous kapnistes alla me enohlei to gegonos oti de skeftodai aftous pou borei na tous enohloun
stin teliki milame gia thema sevasmou k ohi mono ygeias
otan milame gia kapnisma milame gia thema vlakeias k thema marketing apo tis kapnoviomihanies
deite oloi sas tin tainiara ou legetai insider k meta miliste!
Ps dehomai opoion kapnizei
arkei na me sevetai k aftos eee?
I refuse to reply to anyone that does not write in English, i find your comments too.... un-smoky and i've seen the insider.You mention that when we refer to a matter of stupidity.... are you calling all smokers stupid?????I dont think that someone who is smoking in a designated area of a restaurant/nightclub is not respecting those who do not smoke.But it is extreme to say that just because smoking damages your health smokers should be banned from everywhere in order to protect the rights of the non-smokers.Both groups are equal and share rights.
this is to prove i read ur god damned blog. although as a smoker, i have to say smokin is a filthy habit. ur payin what, 7 euro for a packet of cigarettes? ur payin to slowly kill yourself, turn ur teeth and fingers yellow, make u stink and ruin ur clothes. not to mention the absolute pain in the arse it is to have to go outside a nightclub to smoke, especially in ireland with our lovely mild weather. and where's the upside? it's an appetite suppressant. that's about it. this is the one and only comment i'm ever gonna leave on ur blog because, to be perfectly honest, i'm never going to read it again, so i hope u thoroughly enjoyed it
waiting for your next post to arrive soon...i downloaded a great album The National's latest work to keep me company until u decide to write sth new..
u ve got to listen to fake empire its a great song!
"met someone i want to take the time to get to know..."
new blog coming soon.....maybe tonight...will download the nationals, heard the song, it's quite nice... have to renew my antivirus
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