the blog that is full of shit....seriously!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Smoking VS Smoking.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
If you use MSN almost every single day of your life, these are some questions you will evidently have to face and of course answer:
- Is my head small?
- What is the equivalent of a good honors degree in Greece?
- Am i pretty much a genius?
- Would you fuck Mr X?(Mr X being one of the unis professors)
- What does sakujo mean?
- cigarette break?
- do you wanna have boiled eggs for lunch??
- why do i always get myself is shitty situations??
- Can you steal some sugar from school?
- Why are all of my friends weird??
- Does the word differentwise exist?
- Why does everything in life have to have a meaning?
- Do you think it's possible to raise an army in one day, and have a revolution the next?
- I want to take over the world and make the US a communistic empire, what am i?
- I dont understand, he didnt have a penis????
- How many brain cells have you destroyed using drugs?
- Why cant i find someone to have an one night stand?
- Why cant i find a bf/gf?
- What is your sex fetish?
- Did you find me a ticket for Milky-way???
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The Judgement
"I am going to divide you in 2 groups, males on the left females on the right"Everybody acts accordingly and then he says :
"I'm gonna start with the men, get in 2 lines please, one line men who run their own house and the second line men whose wifes run their house" everybody acts according to the instructions and so there is 1 person on the first line and everybody else on the second line......Jesus Christ Superstar stands in astonishment, he couldnt believe what he was seeing....After 5 min he says: " I built the woman out of the man so she can obey him" so he turns around to the guy who was standing alone and asks "tell me, what did these man do wrong?" so the guy says "Oh, Christ, dont involve me in this one, my wife told me to stand here"
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The day i became a groupie.... or did i???
"Is Garry Jarman gay?" and "Would you do a nude cover in order to get famous".....Oh the embarrassment and the hang over!
And you know what else is embarrassing?The fact that Art Brut sold only 150 tickets in Athens.I wonder from all those so called indie boys and girls, that i meet in everyday life, only 150 wanted to see them live?And also, from the 4million people that live in Athens, only 150 wanted to go to a gig???They only go to indie/elternative bars to meet people and say:
"Oh,you're on myspace""oh,yeah i am"
"Oh, are you friends with those bands"
"oh yeah i am"
"OOOOh, i bet we are soulmates, we have the same friends on myspace, it's so exciting"
"Oh yeah, i'll befriend you, we can hang out then"
All those teenage boys and girls, who claim to like bands and clain they have been to their concerts, but they havent, i think those people only exist in the cyber space and have the silliest names like MsIndieQueen, trying to hide their real names who are in fact, Katina or Katerina or an even more common Maria (i know 6 Marias in my extended network, and i dont know that many people)...and they go on with their lives listening to urban greek music, which is by all means disgusting!
The good side of the story though is that i met some very interesting people.Friday was this weeks favorite day for sure, although wednesday i got my long wanted piercing.Friday was the Art Brut concert! Abbie Gale the greek band that opened the concert were really good...Then Art Brut were mind-blowing...might have been the effect of significant amounts alcohol though i dont think. Art brut is a great band...Music is great, Lyrics are hilarious.It's only after you've seen them live that you realize how great they are...'cause they sound better than in their cd and they have energy on stage!All of them, not just the frontman...Not like the fratellis who sound like you're listening to their album or the kaiser chiefs, who my guess would be last time i saw them insufficient amount of drugs, whose second album is like the first with different lyrics.
So i went to the art brut gig, and after we went to a bar and there was the band!First: excitement, then i realized, i'm never going to meet them am i?Well, never say never: i end up talking to the drummer, Michael, of the band for a looong time. I really enjoyed it!!He was really funny, apart from buying drinks for everyone, such an outgoing person,very down to earth also,it was well good!!!! I have to tell you that i never though i would meet a member of a band like that, though some of my friends are in bands-infamous bands...I mean, it's hard to meet an interesting person, let alone someone famous... His housemate Jasper was also nice.... The British are so much more interesting than the greeks......And because they were that good now i think i'm a groupie!!!It's all their fault and the vodkas....only i cant be mad at the vodka.....
But the thing is that it doesnt matter, i bet they dont remember me 'cause i bet they meet great girls in every country they go,and they were pissed, and so was it...takes a tension of my shoulders....
Which brings me to my next point:what makes a groupie?Is it some kind of stalker?Is it something the music industries invent to make bands popular??Is it a kind of girl that always has to take pics with a band??Or it is simple a girl or boy obsessed with a band?I've rarely seen male groupies though, so i think it's a privilege of the female sex.Are emo girls groupies??Are there emo groupies, given that groupies are supposed to be cheerful people?Are groupies people who follow bands throughout their tours??Or is it just girls who are willing to have sex rock stars?
Keep in mind "Female groupies in particular have a long-standing reputation of being available for sexual intercourse with celebrities, rock stars, professional athletes, politicians, and other public figures regardless of the fact that the objects of their obsession may already be married, have children, or otherwise already in a committed relationship" and if wikipedia says it it must be true!!!
Was this a test, i'd say no in all of the above, apart from the sex part, sex is always welcome with someone interesting and funny, i'm not picky handsome is just not my thing... thus...
Me-> not groupie, YAY!
The sad side of the story is that the organizer of the gig said he is not going to bring bands like CSS, or in general bands that are very famous abroad but not in greece, because the costs are higher than the revenues(i do study economics after all), although the tickets according to my opinion are highly priced ( to see art brut in Amsterdam i paid around 14 euros, whereas here i paid 25) I wanted to write a post on why only a few bands from abroad come to greece, but now i know the reason, because there is no gig culture in greece, the standard audience that goes in most of the gig is small..... I dont think it's the groups fault, it's the fault of people who are plain fake.Moreover, if you like a band you support the band, you buy cds and go to gigs...I dont understand, maybe i am born in the wrong country.....or planet.Therefore, my myspace nickname should be Indie_gurl_from_other_planet! It's bummer they wont come again....for the obvious reasons of buying me drinks!:P
Sorry for writing so much, i couldnt help it!
Later lads x
Thursday, November 29, 2007
It's a smaller world that you thought!!
Anyone ever heard of the theory "The world is after all, a very small bed?" No??Well you should reconsider, 'cause i think its really true indeed.The person who came up with this theory is my friend Vicky, who is pretty much a genius but very unfortunate when it come to trying to take pictures of her....Arent we all though?
So close you eyes (after you read this!) and try to imagine a group of friends consisting of : Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Chandler and Phebe,Janis, Maria,Stephany and Amy.It's a story that happened a few months ago...All of the boys were quite handsome to be frank.Then the following happened. Monica and Maria like Joey who didnt like either becuase he was involved with another girl. Then Ross liked Rachel but also Phebe liked Ross so that was kinda weird and also Janis liked him without ever telling but you could notice it.Then Ross and Rachel started dating, but in the end they broke up...apparently it did or it didnt, who knew.Then there was a big fight between the girls of the group because of Ross.Ross in the end got involved with another girl and they went steady. Chandler like Monica though and chandler was good friend with Joey, but in the end Monica and Chandler started dating, and now it's over and they are both Single.Chandler tough was involved for one night with Stephany who then never got involved with anybody else.Janis never got involved with anybody, though she was involved int he weird situations of arguing, my guess would be for Fucks sake!!!!Chandlers brother though found Amy on a website like bebo,and started chatting to her and making compliments but once he realized Amy knew Chandler he stopped.
Nobody is involved with anybody from that group now, but it is interesting from a sociological perspective to see how people interact.Also, it proves my theory. Observing i am pretty sure is the best part of life. So this story, is it from the serial Friends or is it from Beverly hills 90210????I am waiting for your replies.But i can also tell you it happened and i've seen it with my eyes. So serials are based on everyday life. Enjoyed it???Share your stories!!!!
Yours faithfully,
ME x
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Harry M. : the inside
Harry and I met at the Erasmus Student Network and we got along straight away due to our love for the shinking country named Holland,otherwise known as the Netherlands or the country with the legal drugs.Harry and i both studies there last year. Also, i thought i would find the most funny pic of him and a search on facebook took me ages because he has WAAAAYYYYY too many pictures,but the one i found aint that funny,damn it. Harry loves the world, moovies, music and ice-cream ( i think) also food and weed when he is in the Netherlands.He is not used to drink much, so if you ever attempt drinking with him keep in mind he drinks a little so he's very economic in that way :P He is also very funny when he's drunk, dont EVER NEVER give him Jagermeister(see pic in post about drinking), it's dangerous and you will live to see the results and the guilt OH the guilt.
Harry is a great person also, very interesting and quite funny. His knowledge on different matters surprise me sometimes, though the knowledge of useless info is my advantage. He also loves Asian people and asia in general. Harry also loves berlin and London, he also loves Paris, but i dont so it doesnt count. He loves clothes and modern food, you know the food where you mix everything in...yeah, that kind.Harry also surprised me on my nameday celebration with Absent which i Loved.You should try it. Melt sugar in it also.And given that Harry attracts more readers to this blog i will do my best to answer any topics or questions he has.Harry is also involved in many things at the Uni : ESN, AIESEC and the film club. I think i should give him an honorary part of my blog to post his film reviews. Though our opinions often contradict as far as movies are concerned so i'm a bit sceptical about it.Harry is also Single if you are interested and is soon to get a piercing.So am i by the way, but thats irrelevant.
So thats all for now.I hope Harry didnt get mad at me.Also, i will write about other people also, so be kind with me!:P xxx
Sunday, November 18, 2007
When people become japanese anime....
Also, unless there are other question concerning japanese culture and stuff... i think i should write about other things also. So thats it for now about the japanese and i will get back to this topic later. Comment questions remarks always welcome.
Laters lads! x
Monday, November 12, 2007
If you are a boy in Japan... you're a girl in the world.
Brought to my attention is the need to define sexual preferences and characteristics of modern japanese.
I'm gonna start my argument taking examples from the anime world. Take sailor moon for instance.Sailor moon was an anime created starting 1992, and it finally ended 1997. Sailor moon is-of course- the characteristic japanese woman:tall, blonde, legs up to here, very big eyes, very short skirt...reminds you of anyone?Maybe the Dutch?Dont get me wrong though, i find the japanese girls very beautiful compared to other asian people.I just think they have a strong will to look alike Europeans, at least manga-wise.Taxedo boy in the same series was much like a dark german: not blonde,but tall and strong.Now lets have a short analysis on Death Note which was running from 2003-2006. Ethics and costumes changed so it was easier to make Near look like a boyish girl who was in fact a boy.Same goes for Melo. While Misa and Light and L.( my sweet L) are still gender-wise orientated. Really i have no clue why those 2 characters look like girls, maybe because they are supposed to be fake.After Ls death they were supposed to take his place, but nobody is good or smart or nice enough like L, so they have to be fake!( fake boy=girl maybe??? just a thought)
Then again, this anime serious could not just have an impact on the anime world.I am of the opinion that Japanese are people of the extreme. If you'll be goth, you'll be goth all the way, you will mix and match till you make a goth nurse or a goth lolita or a goth anything for that matter.Then, take the anime industry, we have anime romance series, we have anime police series, we have anime fun series ( like Golden Boy!Benkiooo benkiooo benkiooo) and we have hentai series.That is not normal, i dont think, given that hentai in japanese means indeed pervert.How can this possibly not affect the minds of people, so if you are a metrosexual singer like Miyavi you are going to be a metrosexual singer all the way till you are a girl-look alike.And girls will love you for that, because its something extreme.My guess would be that boys would love you also, but thats just a personal estimation (whilst everything else is scientifical by Professor Dimmi, college of Life, the Universe and Everything)....
So to answer your question, my opinion would be that the Japanese are sexualy comfused and that with the fact that they are people of the extreme as i said before leads to....well....disaster.However, other factors lead to that conclusion as well, for example, in the global ranking of sex frequency the japanese come in the last places-having sex 36 times per year-and when i say come i do not mean it sexualy, because when the japanese come they are indeed going.. to their happy place my guess would be (When the Japanese have orgasms they say, "iku" "I am going.")Nevertheless, Japanese people are close to the worlds average of 18 of first sexual experience when as it derives from a survey within Japan is that almost half of Japanese men have paid for the services of a sex-professional, 75% of those by visiting brothels in Japan and 25% using prostitutes in a foreign country.No wonder why Amsterdam has so many tourists with cameras.
Also, Rem in Death note was a girl. My guess would be that she was in love with Jealous(who died to save misas life) the other shinigami so when she took his death note and gave it to misa she promised herself that she will not allow anything to happen to misa because then jealous would have died for no reason.Speaking of which, not to mention their obsession with creatures, in which case you can again not define if it is a boy or a girl, then again i do know a girl whose name is Rem but i never connected the 2.Plus she is a Shinigami, her name could be George if she wished to be called like that.
I dont know if sex-confusion starts from japan but it is definately taking over the world.But what am i saying???It definately doesnt start from Japan!We have our very own Miyavi for a LONG LONG LOOOONGGG time now.... Boy George!!!So definately didnt start from Japan....
Let me know what you think! Going to worship L. now!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The world of sameness
To tell you the truth when i said if you have some dilemmas and stuff i never though i would get a reply serious enough to make me think in order to write a post back.... But since i fear nothing (apart from ghosts, aliens, earthquicks and butterflies haha) and i think that Harrys really made a point, i will dare to answer!
Harry mentioned that societies today are consisted of people who are alike or almost alike and then he concluded asking me if i was the one of them people who are all alike.Harry believe our society promost homogeneity, odebience to the rules and people that lack the will to communicate.Of course, you cant say i am one of those who dont communicate!I have my blog to communicate with people, and i also drink to communicate. Apart from that it doesnt matter what the other people do... All it matters is what you do and then you shouldnt care what other do or what they say about what you do??Do you even care????I personally dont...i do whatever i want.... And so should you..... You get to choose who you will be.... You are on your own.... Personally, i dont think i'm one of those mainstream people.Mainstream people exist because they are not willing to create an identity of their own so they follow the masses.Are you a follower or a leader?Or maybe both like Sailor Moon for example! Sailor Moon was a stupid girl in japan, but with the power of the moon and the bubbles and love, she saved the world from the evil powers!!!!
Which makes me think, those japanese are really amazing people...Just take a look at all those anime, which of course have a slight hint of porn in them always, but really they are amazing!Right now, i am watching Death Note, there is a guy there names L. that is sooo should watch it.Also, Taxedo boy in Sailor moon was awesome, but only when he was in the taxedo not when he was not, he was a bit boring then....And Sailor Moon was annoying when she was normal.... but funny! He fell in love with her you know... Also, why are guys in anime so cute??Like L. Those guys cant exist in reality!
So why obbay to the rules harry when you can be spiderman???Really, do whatever you want, rules are there to break them....Plus, you should also wonder is it better to live in a world of sameness or a world o shameness???
Ok i cant think anymore! Comments remarks, questions are always welcome! x
PS See comment on post " the word of my readers"
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The word of my readers...
Just a small post to make this blog more useful...Give me some topics that interest you and i will write a post on them, i promise. This idea came from a comment of my anonymous reader so :
Dear Anonymous reader,
i will help you with problems of your life...Help me to help you :) And just a small tip : since you said that you are usually the one who is drunk with no recollection of the previous night, next time when you and your friends go out, try to be a little late, that will give other a headstart at drinking.This will help you since you comparativly wont be as drunk and you will have time to take pics :)Also let the others drink vodka or other drinks like that, whilst you drink beer or wine. Let me know what happens once you try it :)
And by the way, who are you? haha :) There is a mystery around you, since i never though that someone else apart from the people that know about my blog would actually read it. :)
Which give me another idea, should any of my readers have any problems/questions/dilemas concerning life, the universe or anything, please i'd love to help you in a way only i know(which in many situations can lead to a simple disaster)! :)
Cheers! x
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Tips : How to drink effectively and mock others
If you feel like spending money you could also go for cocktails.Try mixing cocktails.(Long island ice tea+ caipirinha) times 2 is definately getting you drunk with a hang over as a bonus!I tried that with David, but David, given him being from the UK, was far from being drunk than i was... He hasnt tried drinking Raki or Ouzo though, i'd like to see how he feels then!haha
Some people also like drinking Jagermeister, though i can bet you you might find your self in very wierd situations with that one, for example sleep next to the toilet(rings any bells to anyone?)
Last but not least, go for the beloved Jack Daniels.JD=sucess.And it has the benefit that you will not smell like your perfume but really like alcohol....But wasnt that the point at the beggining of your night out???PLUS, according to David, you can get a JD coke for less than what you'd pay for a pint in the UK.You are now sorted!
I also dont like people who make fun of you when you're drunk.They think they are sooo superior because they're not drunk... Thats why one should ALWAYS have a camera. Because then you can make fun of them with evidence!!How many times have you wished those pictures of you with the ugly guy/girl or you throwing up were not on the internet???Should you have a camera, you have the comparative advantage of REVENGE!(It is after all a plate that you eat cold-and drunk.) And you can always tell them the next day "Did you have fun last night with that manbearpig???" ... And this tips comes from a personal experience, i never regret getting drunk, there is something that attracted me on that man despite the fact i was drunk-I think!!Other experiences of mine consist of not knowing the way back home, of throwing up in a taxi ( always give a tip to the taxi driver after) lossing a shoe and sleeping in a nightclub. I dont regret a thing!!!!!Since when did drinking become so bad anyway??The models do it, the actors do it, your parents do it... nobody loves them any less!
Which brings me to my next point:Drinking in festivals. Every time a girl goes to a festival she has to stand in line to pie and miss the gigs she likes. It is so unfair!!!Guys can go wherever-even in a bottle! Damn it! Also, did you know that people in Ireland are seriously innovative???REALLY!They had a special device given out to girls at Electric Picnic, called the P-mate.Apparently this wonderul thing allows girls to pee standing.Amazing isnt it??Now both sexes are TRULLY equal!Now girls, you can drink all you want, you will never miss the wonderful Jarman bros (aka The Cribs) live because you were waiting in line to pee. In case you dont believe me:
Sometimes i just love those irish, they come with a pot of gold and they invented Guinness and Bono.Most importantly, they like to get drunk!
Right then, going to get drunk! x
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween and the dark ages...
Anyway, I was looking through my facebook friends (no surprise there, facebook is fun and connects people in wierd ways and you can be a vampire and attack other vampires) and i saw various pictures of my friends halloween costumes.... What caught my attention was the costumee of my friend Olga from Russia- I met Olga in Holland a few months ago. I liked her costume basically because it looked sooo real. I dont know what she is supposed to be, i guess she went for the old time classic costume, to dress as a person from past eras. I think she looks really great in that constume because she looks real and classy for haloween though slightly overdone.... Got a bit carried away with it, didnt she?A bit too much...there is like a dress, the sparkle and the head... I think she needed bigger hair...(see photo 2) PLUS, in Russia they drink vodka, and vodka doesnt stain. Dont you think?
Which brings me to my next point, which i will publish on my next post. Are you curious to see whats it gonna be??Bookmark my blog! hahaha
Any questions?? ..... no??no questions?!Good...
Later then! x
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
My new Blog
Hello and welcome to my blog.
There is no reason for this blog to exist.However, I find it entertaining to waste my time with it, and even more fun to waste the time of those who read it. It should be wise at this first post to write something about me, though i dont feel like it now so i'm not-maybe another time.
This blog is going to be about anything, from things that i find wierd to things to recipies i make up- in other words, this blog is going to be ful of shit.No worries though, you can stop reading it whenever you feel like it. Maybe i'll also post some pictures ( WHO KNOWS?!)
Comments and remarks are welcome!Later lads!