It is my belief that once in your life time-at least once- you are obliged to leave some people behind you for your whole life, maybe it is your choice or maybe it is not, but the matter is still the same. I am sure one of those who read this were obliged to leave behind their imaginary friend, the music/movie idol they were in love with ( i bet it was either Kurt Cobain or Leonardo di caprio that is new to everyone, there are few people who will actually act as themselves, and those who ) and eventually you had to let go of your sweet 16 flirt. What happens though when you realise that you actually made the right choice or that circumstances/faith did the right thing???Recently i had to let go of some amazing people. I never regret letting them behind...i miss them, but i never regret it.... The question that pops into your mind and honestly bugs you and you think your head is going to explode ( especially if you are a sentimental person) is what could i have done that would make me not feel this way??Should i have spent more time with them??Should i have been more generous with them???Should i have drunk more beer with them??? I will tell you, nothing.You did your best, now get over it. And also, when you leave behind someone that was very special to you, or you thought was very special to you, most of the time you were wrong. In an environment that is new to everyone there are a little people who act as them selves and those who dont, will do when drunk , and it's then that you see what you are missing is really nothing....So for a moment i felt like i was missing some of the greatest people i have met in my life, and those i miss.....But when earlier-few months ago- i was feeling like i was missing someone important to me....i realise now that i was wrong.He gave me nothing as a person.I thank him for making me smarter to be able to see what a ass he was, how he was never himself and how manipulated one can be when really one is just oneself. So thank those for making you brighter and not smarter, wiser and not drunk (wise-when drunk counts as wiser) thank those who have been there for you, thank everybody for giving you experiences and screw the rest.It's all sentimental shit..........fuck them!fuck them all!!!!!! and if you have any questions or feel like this sometimes, i'm sure i can give you some help! Ciao ragazzi!
About Unemployment
14 years ago
i know what u mean exactly... i think
i feel that i shouldnt regret about things i did in the past or things that i didnt
i mean whats the point???!whats done is done and we can never turn back time unfortunately to erase things with the knowledge of the present circustances
however things would be different in the present if we could change the past so easily
i mean u can never be sure abt how things will turn out and how they could be different if...
time is everything
thats my belief
so just do things the way u feel like at the moment and dont think abt them too much
a decision or a choice once made has its own consequences and u ve to bear all responsibility for it
every choice we make at a time has its own sacrifice, load for each one of us
so just think carefully and grab whatever opportunities that might come up
and most importantly never forget to say to people u care abt how much u love them
everyone wants to hear that
its a grim world where we live in so why dont we make it brighter?
Love is HERE wating for U to believe in it
and dimi tons of times am sorry for the way i spoke 2 u on sat
i never like to behave in such abrupt way to people i care abt
Harry, i have to ask....How do you manage to turn every post about love???I dont think i mentioned the word love once in that post???
I think the real problem nowadays (in reference to the topic of the post) is that people have enough time to do things but no time to value them or appreciate them....
Anyway, have to dash, must study damn it!
I left my dwarf hamster behind when I went to died while I was over there.....
i just saw your comment dimi
and let me tell u sth
u asked me how i manage to turn every post abt love
hahah this is a funny one
just let me speak as a senior to u
sempai as the japanese say hahahha
anyways, everything in our life is abt love i mean every single thing we do is because of love or because of it absence
think abt it
and when i m talking abt love i dont mean romance necessarily
love can be expressed in many different ways
i love music
i love cinema
i love london
i love hanging out and chilling with friends
i love being in love
i love my friends
i love my family
i love life hahah
i love talking about sex
what i want to say is that love is the general background of our life
it s the force that encourages us to do things every day to live every moment
Now abt TIME this is another aspect of our life
but we r the ones who arrange it the way we want ourselves
dont u agree?
i mean at the end we always manage to do things we really and are able to do and avoid all the shit stuff as much as possible lol
Good luck with your exam tomor my friend!
the preacher of LOVE
I was going to post a comment back, but since i barely believe in romance and love, i am either going to go for the answer "no comment" or "this discussion is getting out of hand"
The thing is that sometimes i am very sentimental and others simply extremely cynical so i cant decide between the two so i'm just going to say, as stated regularly in my blog, i have no sense of self and i'm not going to argue with the preacher of love, as yourself called you.....
I've decided just now that my answer will be that i hate this fucking little place we call Greece. It's an insignificant country, small, with nothing interesting to do...Oooooops!Correction, with nothing i love to do, all the places i love to go are most of the times invaded by fake people. I love to drink, but it's simply too expencive and i love to travel which requires a lot of money, as the only place you can cheaply travel to is Bulgaria and the rest of those countries, where if i go i will be super cool 'cause i come from greece, super rich as everything will be comparatively cheap but the problem is i dont wanna go live in Bulgaria.And you'll say book early and fly with low fare airlines, but this is greece, nothing is ever organized therefore i cant organize a trip...
If your dwarf hamster dies, what do you do then?
......same thing you do any other time of course...
...and have a little mini spit roast
Dimi you may haven't mentioned the "l" word in your post but it was existing silentely on the background ...especially when you said "he"...helloooooo!!!!!!!!
And about Greece..come on don be so strict with this lovely country...i get pissed of several times about many things here but i still have Greece in No1 ranking around the world...
Greek PS:xalarwse mi mas direis kiolas...Xari upoklinomai gia ta comments sou;)
Bill, the "l" word?Seriously???Well, had you been through everything i've been through, you'd have the same opinion more or less with me...or wait....i forget some people are actually not as pessimistic as i am or cynical, which is good, you should write more often comments on this blog, gives a certain hope to the readers, since i cant do that somebody has to...The "l" word i will never give in too, unless it stands for liquor(ie alcohol) hahaha
About Greece now, i've just mentioned it's bad qualities, a post will follow with the good qualities in greece...dont worry..... We still rank No1 in the durex sex survey, makes us proud to be greeks ( that and the acropolis i think are the two things that set us apart from the crowd we call EU or UN or simply, world) Maybe if the government changes in 20 years time i'll have Greece in my personal ranking as No1 , for the meantime i cant decide, but it's definitely in the top 5, in fact maybe Greece is No3, if the booze was cheaper might have even be No2!!!hahahaha
But the question still stands for you Bill and for Harry, what do you do when your dwarf hamster dies????
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