the blog that is full of shit....seriously!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Smoking VS Smoking.

Smoky Christmas everybody!!The past few days i found myself wondering over a very weird and at the same time important question : industrial or rollies? It's one of the mysteries in life really, when you smoke rollies you want industrial and vice versa..... Rollies are healthier and cheaper also handmade so you make them just the way you like them.... Industrial cigarettes are more expensive but imagine when you are drunk and cant be bothered to roll, thats when you need ready made cigarettes. I heard a story about a guy once who found cheap cheap cigarettes and smoked all night, for the simple reason "it's so cheap, i'm gonna smoke as much as i can!!"(i think he's in band called The Fewer The Better, check it out) I love this guy simply because he is a representative of the smokers nation. Smokers are not bad people and i dont understand the conspiracy of governments treating them like shit. Smoking is not a bad action, they say it effects your health, but so does the polluted environment in big cities, nobody asked you if you want to breath polluted air, but you do 'cause you dont have a choice.Smoking is at least your choice. Why ban it in bars and nightclubs?How did they came up with that? Can anyone enjoy a beer without a cigarette?Can anyone enjoy their food if they dont smoke after???It's insane!!!And apart from the banning now they increased the price of cigarettes so they can put you into a dilemma, industrial cigarettes or rolled one, or a trilemma industrial, rolled or none?????I love to smoke, why do they want to take that away from me?Ask the french, can they enjoy their coffee without a cigarette???I dont think so... and what is their president doing?Vacations with new girlfriend, that is right, he avoids the real problems of his people, does he care french can not enjoy their coffee???? NO!!And it all came from the US, that country has only the best ideas in the world.So people, for this christmas smoke as much as you can because A BAN IN SMOKING IS THE GOVERNMENT TELLING US WHERE TO BREATH!!It's racism against the smokers.Non smokers have rights, but so do smokers. i want to smoke now and i dont have cigarettes, bollocks.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


If you use MSN almost every single day of your life, these are some questions you will evidently have to face and of course answer:

  1. Is my head small?
  2. What is the equivalent of a good honors degree in Greece?
  3. Am i pretty much a genius?
  4. Would you fuck Mr X?(Mr X being one of the unis professors)
  5. What does sakujo mean?
  6. cigarette break?
  7. do you wanna have boiled eggs for lunch??
  8. why do i always get myself is shitty situations??
  9. Can you steal some sugar from school?
  10. Why are all of my friends weird??
  11. Does the word differentwise exist?
  12. Why does everything in life have to have a meaning?
  13. Do you think it's possible to raise an army in one day, and have a revolution the next?
  14. I want to take over the world and make the US a communistic empire, what am i?
  15. I dont understand, he didnt have a penis????
  16. How many brain cells have you destroyed using drugs?
  17. Why cant i find someone to have an one night stand?
  18. Why cant i find a bf/gf?
  19. What is your sex fetish?
  20. Did you find me a ticket for Milky-way???
Answer them if you can, i dare you!x

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Judgement

So,it it the day of judgment, when Jesus Christ Superstar is supposed to say who goes to heaven and who burns in hell forever and ever!!So Jesus says:
"I am going to divide you in 2 groups, males on the left females on the right"Everybody acts accordingly and then he says :
"I'm gonna start with the men, get in 2 lines please, one line men who run their own house and the second line men whose wifes run their house" everybody acts according to the instructions and so there is 1 person on the first line and everybody else on the second line......Jesus Christ Superstar stands in astonishment, he couldnt believe what he was seeing....After 5 min he says: " I built the woman out of the man so she can obey him" so he turns around to the guy who was standing alone and asks "tell me, what did these man do wrong?" so the guy says "Oh, Christ, dont involve me in this one, my wife told me to stand here"


Saturday, December 1, 2007

The day i became a groupie.... or did i???

Hey-ho sailors!

So things have been interestingly weird in my life.....Everybody knows i love music, and bands and people in music and asking strange questions to people who are into music, but usually it's people not famous....Now i did it to people from a band that actually people in several countries know!Damn that vodka! I never expected from myself to be a groupie though.....I'm panicking...For the record some of the questions i asked were:
"Is Garry Jarman gay?
" and "Would you do a nude cover in order to get famous".....Oh the embarrassment and the hang over!
And you know what else is embarrassing?The fact that Art Brut sold only 150 tickets in Athens.I wonder from all those so called indie boys and girls, that i meet in everyday life, only 150 wanted to see them live?And also, from the 4million people that live in Athens, only 150 wanted to go to a gig???They only go to indie/elternative bars to meet people and say:
"Oh,you're on myspace""oh,yeah i am"
"Oh, are you friends with those bands"
"oh yeah i am"
"OOOOh, i bet we are soulmates, we have the same friends on myspace, it's so exciting"
"Oh yeah, i'll befriend you, we can hang out then"
All those teenage boys and girls, who claim to like bands and clain they have been to their concerts, but they havent, i think those people only exist in the cyber space and have the silliest names like MsIndieQueen, trying to hide their real names who are in fact, Katina or Katerina or an even more common Maria (i know 6 Marias in my extended network, and i dont know that many people)...and they go on with their lives listening to urban greek music, which is by all means disgusting!

The good side of the story though is that i met some very interesting people.Friday was this weeks favorite day for sure, although wednesday i got my long wanted piercing.Friday was the Art Brut concert! Abbie Gale the greek band that opened the concert were really good...Then Art Brut were mind-blowing...might have been the effect of significant amounts alcohol though i dont think. Art brut is a great band...Music is great, Lyrics are hilarious.It's only after you've seen them live that you realize how great they are...'cause they sound better than in their cd and they have energy on stage!All of them, not just the frontman...Not like the fratellis who sound like you're listening to their album or the kaiser chiefs, who my guess would be last time i saw them insufficient amount of drugs, whose second album is like the first with different lyrics.
So i went to the art brut gig, and after we went to a bar and there was the band!First: excitement, then i realized, i'm never going to meet them am i?Well, never say never: i end up talking to the drummer, Michael, of the band for a looong time. I really enjoyed it!!He was really funny, apart from buying drinks for everyone, such an outgoing person,very down to earth also,it was well good!!!! I have to tell you that i never though i would meet a member of a band like that, though some of my friends are in bands-infamous bands...I mean, it's hard to meet an interesting person, let alone someone famous... His housemate Jasper was also nice.... The British are so much more interesting than the greeks......And because they were that good now i think i'm a groupie!!!It's all their fault and the vodkas....only i cant be mad at the vodka.....
But the thing is that it doesnt matter, i bet they dont remember me 'cause i bet they meet great girls in every country they go,and they were pissed, and so was it...takes a tension of my shoulders....
Which brings me to my next point:what makes a groupie?Is it some kind of stalker?Is it something the music industries invent to make bands popular??Is it a kind of girl that always has to take pics with a band??Or it is simple a girl or boy obsessed with a band?I've rarely seen male groupies though, so i think it's a privilege of the female sex.Are emo girls groupies??Are there emo groupies, given that groupies are supposed to be cheerful people?Are groupies people who follow bands throughout their tours??Or is it just girls who are willing to have sex rock stars?

Keep in mind "
Female groupies in particular have a long-standing reputation of being available for sexual intercourse with celebrities, rock stars, professional athletes, politicians, and other public figures regardless of the fact that the objects of their obsession may already be married, have children, or otherwise already in a committed relationship" and if wikipedia says it it must be true!!!

Was this a test, i'd say no in all of the above, apart from the sex part, sex is always welcome with someone interesting and funny, i'm not picky handsome is just not my thing... thus...
Me-> not groupie, YAY!

The sad side of the story is that the organizer of the gig said he is not going to bring bands like CSS, or in general bands that are very famous abroad but not in greece, because the costs are higher than the revenues(i do study economics after all), although the tickets according to my opinion are highly priced ( to see art brut in Amsterdam i paid around 14 euros, whereas here i paid 25) I wanted to write a post on why only a few bands from abroad come to greece, but now i know the reason, because there is no gig culture in greece, the standard audience that goes in most of the gig is small..... I dont think it's the groups fault, it's the fault of people who are plain fake.Moreover, if you like a band you support the band, you buy cds and go to gigs...I dont understand, maybe i am born in the wrong country.....or planet.
Therefore, my myspace nickname should be Indie_gurl_from_other_planet! It's bummer they wont come again....for the obvious reasons of buying me drinks!:P

Sorry for writing so much, i couldnt help it!

Later lads x