the blog that is full of shit....seriously!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

People who know.....

I guess that people who know that they know are stupid, people who know that they dont know are quite smarter, although it would be better if they knew that they know at least something. I decided to write this because it's an honest truth. In fact, if you know that you know, dont you in some way lose the will to know?If you know that you dont know, you always want to know more. I dont know in which category i would be....i suppose in the second 'cause although i know that i know, i forget that i know so i continue to know new things.... And also i get to know things that i would like not to know, so those these i try to forget but somehow i cant. Today i got to know that the permanent places you can get in the public sector decrease productivity-for the obvious reasons that we all know- and i suppose thats why the public sector in greece it's such a mess. Also, you should know that the name of my blog comes from 2 wonderful people, Dylan Moran, and Douglas Adams, who are just brilliant.I felt like i should write this 'cause i dont know if everybody knows it and it'd be better if they knew it.There i said it, now you know.Also know that The first is a comedian and the second a writer, who i think they know that they dont know...Also as you can see i've added some music to this blog,you know it's a crappy playlist, but it's my first attempt you know....yeah....
Now back to work, cant write the word know anymore, you know it!!!
Comments?Remarks?You know what you have to do!


Anonymous said...

Dimmi there is another category that you haven't mentioned...people who know but they pretend that they don't know...Believe me there are lots of them... and me and you and all of us have been at least once on that position...There is a moment that you know something that you weren't supposed to you pretend that you don't know...even though you actually know...
Isn't that true?

Dimmi said...

hahaha..... yeah i would say that at a certain point in your lives we were in that position. Also, there are moments when we are supposed to know and pretend to know but truth is we dont know shit!?This month has been full of these moments....God i hate exams!!! Right???

harry M said...

guys it's so funny that we all got work to do but can't stop getting on line and leaving comments on blogs hahah
anyway i want to have my own opinion on the matter if thats ok guys
for sure we ve all got ourselves in the position that Mr Bill describes
and without any doubts knowledge of things is that always which can make us happier rather the opposite
i'd say
so this brings me to my exact point
for most people that is nowadays they believe for themselves that they r the smartest people on earth
think abt it: we live in a material and extremely competitive world where for each of us the centre of attention is oneself!
we r self-centred we just think abt our needs and desires and most of the times tend to ignore what may happen in the rest of the world

so my belief would be that for most if us nowadays we think that we r the smartest people on earth thus choosing to avoid what other people may have accomplished
so that we seem more precious to ourself

harry M said...

omg dimi
what am i doing????
u ve managed to turn me into a cynic mind!!!!!!!!!

Dimmi said...

harry, i'm really impressed not by your cynic mind, you're still just too romantic in the end, cynic is just not your thing, cynic people are usually realists and sometimes pessimists, your one quality that stands out is optimism so you're not in the cynic mind category just yet.... try harder!! What i wanted to say is that i'm really impressed with your ability to find a deeper meaning in everything.... this post was just published to see how many time i can write the word know in one post till i get sick of it, i didnt count but it's a lost, you know!:P Certainly i dont think i'm the smartest people on earth, seriously i have doubts even if i'm smart.... So, if someone thinks they are the smartest people on earth, probably they havent met Brain ( from pinky and the brain) or have met someone really dumb like Spongebob Squarepants or his friend Patrick.... And i think that ignoring the accomplishments of other people is not the right way forward, if you do that you stay behind being even dumber....If you do see the accomplishments of others, you try to be better as a person..... Well, what you know....never thought i could compare 2 cartoons and end up with real-life knowledge!!Whatevah...