the blog that is full of shit....seriously!

Monday, November 12, 2007

If you are a boy in Japan... you're a girl in the world.


Brought to my attention is the need to define sexual preferences and characteristics of modern japanese.
I'm gonna start my argument taking examples from the anime world. Take sailor moon for instance.Sailor moon was an anime created starting 1992, and it finally ended 1997. Sailor moon is-of course- the characteristic japanese woman:tall, blonde, legs up to here, very big eyes, very short skirt...reminds you of anyone?Maybe the Dutch?Dont get me wrong though, i find the japanese girls very beautiful compared to other asian people.I just think they have a strong will to look alike Europeans, at least manga-wise.Taxedo boy in the same series was much like a dark german: not blonde,but tall and strong.Now lets have a short analysis on Death Note which was running from 2003-2006. Ethics and costumes changed so it was easier to make Near look like a boyish girl who was in fact a boy.Same goes for Melo. While Misa and Light and L.( my sweet L) are still gender-wise orientated. Really i have no clue why those 2 characters look like girls, maybe because they are supposed to be fake.After Ls death they were supposed to take his place, but nobody is good or smart or nice enough like L, so they have to be fake!( fake boy=girl maybe??? just a thought)
Then again, this anime serious could not just have an impact on the anime world.I am of the opinion that Japanese are people of the extreme. If you'll be goth, you'll be goth all the way, you will mix and match till you make a goth nurse or a goth lolita or a goth anything for that matter.Then, take the anime industry, we have anime romance series, we have anime police series, we have anime fun series ( like Golden Boy!Benkiooo benkiooo benkiooo) and we have hentai series.That is not normal, i dont think, given that hentai in japanese means indeed pervert.How can this possibly not affect the minds of people, so if you are a metrosexual singer like Miyavi you are going to be a metrosexual singer all the way till you are a girl-look alike.And girls will love you for that, because its something extreme.My guess would be that boys would love you also, but thats just a personal estimation (whilst everything else is scientifical by Professor Dimmi, college of Life, the Universe and Everything)....
So to answer your question, my opinion would be that the Japanese are sexualy comfused and that with the fact that they are people of the extreme as i said before leads to....well....disaster.However, other factors lead to that conclusion as well, for example, in the global ranking of sex frequency the japanese come in the last places-having sex 36 times per year-and when i say come i do not mean it sexualy, because when the japanese come they are indeed going.. to their happy place my guess would be (When the Japanese have orgasms they say, "iku" "I am going.")Nevertheless, Japanese people are close to the worlds average of 18 of first sexual experience when as it derives from a survey within Japan is that almost half of Japanese men have paid for the services of a sex-professional, 75% of those by visiting brothels in Japan and 25% using prostitutes in a foreign country.No wonder why Amsterdam has so many tourists with cameras.
Also, Rem in Death note was a girl. My guess would be that she was in love with Jealous(who died to save misas life) the other shinigami so when she took his death note and gave it to misa she promised herself that she will not allow anything to happen to misa because then jealous would have died for no reason.Speaking of which, not to mention their obsession with creatures, in which case you can again not define if it is a boy or a girl, then again i do know a girl whose name is Rem but i never connected the 2.Plus she is a Shinigami, her name could be George if she wished to be called like that.
I dont know if sex-confusion starts from japan but it is definately taking over the world.But what am i saying???It definately doesnt start from Japan!We have our very own Miyavi for a LONG LONG LOOOONGGG time now.... Boy George!!!So definately didnt start from Japan....

But japanese people have the trick : they discovered that a little bit or drinking increses you IQ. I suppose they drink a little bit too much!But i love them just the way they are :)

Let me know what you think! Going to worship L. now!


1 comment:

harry M said...

since u re talking about japanese animation a topic that am not very famliar with, there s a japanese fest tomorrow night at bios so i suggest that we go there!